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Script to list all LPARs on all Managed Systems Connected to HMC

July 17th, 2013

if you have Many Managed Systems connected to HMC and you need to list ALL LPARs that you have on a table view like the following output:

Server Name : Server-****-***-***
LPAR Name          LPAR Number   IP Address
TEST1                             5             
TEST2                            4             
TEST2                             3            
TEST4                            2             
LPAR                              1             
VIO                                  6            

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cfgmgr: 0514-621 vdevice

July 17th, 2013

if you use VIO Server and need to share CD or TAP UNIT or Disks from VIO to LPAR, and after finishing from Mapping Configuration and try to run “cfgmgr on the LPAR,


you may see the following Error : Continue Reading…

how to read core dump file

July 11th, 2013

some time you get many errors on Error Report that told you there is  a core dump file and you don’t know where is the problem??

and if you try to read this file you will see a binary codes appear to you and it’s useless information like this : Continue Reading…

IBM Integrated Console Solution

July 11th, 2013

The AIX Operating System has a Secure Web Interface Management Tool which has the same functions of “Smitty”.


you just need to open port “5336” on your AIX Machine and try to access it through the Web browser from the following link :

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Ports must open for RMC functions

July 11th, 2013

you must open the following Ports between HMC IP & LPAR IP to can perform RMC Functions like Dynamic Reallocation or VIO Vitualization

Ports :  “657 , 2300 , 2301

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0516-404 allocp

July 11th, 2013

– If you tries to restore mksysb with mirrored and unmirrored LV’s they might the following error:

0516-404 allocp: This system cannot fulfill the allocation request.
         There are not enough free partitions or not enough physical volumes
         to keep strictness and satisfy allocation requests.  The command
         should be retried with different allocation characteristics.
0516-822 mklv: Unable to create logical volume.
BOS Install: Could not create the hd5 logical volume.
    ID#        OPTION
      1        Continue
      2        Perform System Maintenance and Then Continue
     Enter ID number:

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I/O hosting requires a hosting partition – boot not permitted

July 3rd, 2013

After Installing VIO Server, you try to boot from DISK and you face the following Error :

boot device: /pci@800000020000207/fibre-channel@0/disk@5005076303239005,4000400b

I/O hosting requires a hosting partition - boot not permitted.
EXIT called ok

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How to set the PVID of a disk to a specific value

June 30th, 2013

The following series of commands demonstrates how to set the PVID of an AIX disk to a specific value like “0123456789abcdef”:
Note:  Setting PVID like this should be avoided normally. It may cause unwanted consequences in your environment. Continue Reading…

superblock is invalid : -5

June 26th, 2013

You may face the following error on many Operation System not only on AIX :

superblock is invalid : -5

this error means that you apply function of File system type on another type, in another meaning,

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IBM ReadBook Archive Site

June 20th, 2013

Hello Everyone!!


There are many of people don’t know the archive link for IBM RedBook, you can access it for the following link:


IBM RedBook