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How to sync users and password between hosts on hacmp

AIX has a wonderful method to synchronize the users and their passwords or any files you need to sync them between HACMP Nodes.

there is a command call “rdist”, this command used to transfer files between hosts and make them synced.

1- How to use this command:
– of course you must record your hosts on hosts file “/etc/hosts”
– suppose you are on HOST1, create a file with the following syntax:

# cat /home/scripts/rep-pass/distfile.system
FILES=(/etc/passwd /etc/security/passwd)
${FILES} -> ${HOSTS}

-(HOST2,HOST2) are the hosts which you want to send your files to them.
-(/etc/passwd,/etc/security/passwd) are the files that you want to transfer them.

– then, just write the follwoing command:

rdist -b -y -f /home/scripts/rep-pass/distfile.system

-b:Performs a binary comparison and updates files if they differ.
-f FileName: Specifies the name of the distribution file. If you do not use the -f flag, the default value is the distfile or Distfile file in your $HOME directory.
-y: Prevents recent copies of files from being replaced by files that are not as recent. Files are normally updated when their time stamp and size differ. The -y flag prevents the rdist command from updating files more recent than the master file.

2- what i need to use this method:
– enable shell service on “/etc/inetd.conf”
– enable shell port on “/etc/services”
– create “/.rhosts” file, this file on root home directory and will contain on IPs & Username who will access it.

i hope this article be useful.

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