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How to mount,unmount an ISO Image in AIX

Sometimes you need to install package from AIX CD or install any other software like PowerHA on LPAR and the CD UNIT was located into another LPAR or you don’t have

the CD but you have the ISO Image for this Software.

so what you need to do to mount the ISO Image and access it normally ????

just follow the Steps :

  1. Transfer the ISO Image to the LPAR (Using SFTP,FPT,SCP … etc).

  2. Create mount point which will hold and display the data of ISO Image on it :
    #mkdir /MOUNT_POINT
  3. execute loopmount command as the following :
    #loopmount -i /ISO_IMAGE_PATH -o “-V cdrfs -o ro” -m /MOUNT_POINT

Common Errors :

    • 1320-007 loopmount: Failed to mount the imagefile : This errors means that you don’t create the mount point (step #2) or may be you don’t write the correct

      PATH of ISO Image.

    • 1320-003 loopmount: Specified loopback device is not found in ODM: the loopmount command by default create a loopback device to mount the ISO Image on it,

      but sometime it can’t create it, may be AIX level problems or permissions peroblem in this case you need to create the loopback device and mention it on loopback

      command as the following :

      1. create loopbcak device :
        #mkdev -c loopback -s node -t loopback
        loop0 Available

      2. Specify the loopback device on loopback command:
        #loopmount -i /ISO_IMAGE_PATH -o “-V cdrfs -o ro” -m /MOUNT_POINT -l loop0

To Umount The Iso Image, Just run the following :

#loopumount  -m /cdmount

and if you need to specify the loopback device

#loopumount -l loop0 -m /cdmount

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