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February, 2015Archive for

remotely eject tap from server

Thursday, February 26th, 2015

use the following command to remotely eject the tap from a tap device to minimize your time & safe your data:

#mt offline

it will eject the tap from the default device tap unit “rmt0”.

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list mksysb from tap

Thursday, February 26th, 2015

try this command to list files from a mksysb tap:


the previous command will list from the default tap device “rmt0”.

if you have another tap, try the following:

#lsmksysb -f /dev/rmt5

rename a device

Thursday, February 19th, 2015

Use the following command to rename a device:

# rendev -l hdisk4 -n hdisk53

where the ‘hdisk4’ is your device and ‘hdisk53’ is the new name.

HINT: The device must be free

Error Report Demon

Thursday, February 19th, 2015

Here are the commands related to error demon in AIX

To stop logging run the below command


To get rid of that log.

# rm /var/adm/ras/errlog

To restart the daemon, thus creating a new error log
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Volume Group Status Area (VGSA)

Friday, February 13th, 2015

Information about which PPs that are stale and which PVs are missing within a VG. The LVM and SCSI driver reserves somewhere between 7-10% of the available disk space for LVM maps, etc.


Volume Group Descriptor Area (VGDA)

Friday, February 13th, 2015

Information about all the LVs and PVs within a VG. The first 64K of a PV is reserved for this area – defined in <sys/bootrecord.h>.

The VGDA consists of

  • BOOTRECORD: – first 512 bytes. Allows the Read Only System (ROS) to boot system
  • BAD BLK DIRECTORY – found in <sys/bddir.h>
  • LVM RECORD – found in <lvmrec.h>

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Volume Group Characteristics

Friday, February 13th, 2015

You can find below the meaning of each parameter on Volume Group Characteristics (the output from lsvg vg command):


  1. Volume Group: Name of Volume Group.
  2. VG State: active/partial. Partial indicates that some of the Physical Volumes in the Volume Group are not active.
  3. VG Permission: It indicates if the volume group is read-only or read-write.
  4. Max LVs: Maximum number of Logical Volumes allowed in Volume Group.
  5. LVs: Total number of Logical Volumes at present in Volume Group.
  6. Open LVs: Number of LVs open at present in the Volume Group for any Read Write operation.
  7. Total PVs: Total number of Physical Volumes present in Volume Group.
  8. Stale PVs: How many stale Physical Volumes are there in Volume Group. The stale Physical Volumes are those ones on which I/O operations are not possible.
  9. Active PVs: Total number of Physical Volumes which are active in Volume Group.
  10. Max PPs per VG: Maximum no. of Physical Partitions which can be there in the Volume Group.
  11. Max PPs per PV: Maximum number of Physical Partitions which can be there in Physical Volume.
  12. VG Identifier: The very long string to identify Volume Group.
  13. PP Size: The size of Physical Partition used in every Physical Volume of Volume Group.
  14. Total PPs: Total number of Physical Partitions in Volume Group.
  15. Free PPs: Total number of free Physical Partitions with in Volume Group.
  16. Used PPs: Total number of Physical Partitions in use in Volume Group.
  17. Quorum: Whether the quorum is on or not in Volume Group.
  18. VG Descriptors: Number of Volume Group Descriptor Areas(VGDA) in Volume Group.
  19. Stale PPs: How many Physical Partitions are stale or unable to perform I/O operations.
  20. Auto On: Whether the Volume Group will varyon on system startup or not.
  21. Max PVs: Maximum number of Physical Volumes allowed in this Volume Group.
  22. Auto Sync: Whether this Volume Group should sync automatically or not.
  23. BB Policy: Its bad block relocation policy. So, this value here is relocatable, that means we are allowed to relocate bad blocks in this Volume Group if need be.

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en vs et vs ent

Monday, February 9th, 2015

most of us has  confused between the network devices en, et & ent, you can read the following to put a limit for this confusion 🙂 :

The notation ent is used to specify the hardware adapter. It has nothing to do with the TCP/IP address.

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