Posts Tagged ‘AIX’
Friday, February 13th, 2015
Information about which PPs that are stale and which PVs are missing within a VG. The LVM and SCSI driver reserves somewhere between 7-10% of the available disk space for LVM maps, etc.
Tags: AIX, group, LVM, Status, VGSA, volume
Posted in abbreviations and definitions, AIX | No Comments »
Friday, February 13th, 2015
Information about all the LVs and PVs within a VG. The first 64K of a PV is reserved for this area – defined in <sys/bootrecord.h>.
The VGDA consists of
- BOOTRECORD: – first 512 bytes. Allows the Read Only System (ROS) to boot system
- BAD BLK DIRECTORY – found in <sys/bddir.h>
- LVM RECORD – found in <lvmrec.h>
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Tags: AIX, group, LVM, vgda, volume
Posted in abbreviations and definitions, AIX | No Comments »
Friday, February 13th, 2015
You can find below the meaning of each parameter on Volume Group Characteristics (the output from lsvg vg command):
- Volume Group: Name of Volume Group.
- VG State: active/partial. Partial indicates that some of the Physical Volumes in the Volume Group are not active.
- VG Permission: It indicates if the volume group is read-only or read-write.
- Max LVs: Maximum number of Logical Volumes allowed in Volume Group.
- LVs: Total number of Logical Volumes at present in Volume Group.
- Open LVs: Number of LVs open at present in the Volume Group for any Read Write operation.
- Total PVs: Total number of Physical Volumes present in Volume Group.
- Stale PVs: How many stale Physical Volumes are there in Volume Group. The stale Physical Volumes are those ones on which I/O operations are not possible.
- Active PVs: Total number of Physical Volumes which are active in Volume Group.
- Max PPs per VG: Maximum no. of Physical Partitions which can be there in the Volume Group.
- Max PPs per PV: Maximum number of Physical Partitions which can be there in Physical Volume.
- VG Identifier: The very long string to identify Volume Group.
- PP Size: The size of Physical Partition used in every Physical Volume of Volume Group.
- Total PPs: Total number of Physical Partitions in Volume Group.
- Free PPs: Total number of free Physical Partitions with in Volume Group.
- Used PPs: Total number of Physical Partitions in use in Volume Group.
- Quorum: Whether the quorum is on or not in Volume Group.
- VG Descriptors: Number of Volume Group Descriptor Areas(VGDA) in Volume Group.
- Stale PPs: How many Physical Partitions are stale or unable to perform I/O operations.
- Auto On: Whether the Volume Group will varyon on system startup or not.
- Max PVs: Maximum number of Physical Volumes allowed in this Volume Group.
- Auto Sync: Whether this Volume Group should sync automatically or not.
- BB Policy: Its bad block relocation policy. So, this value here is relocatable, that means we are allowed to relocate bad blocks in this Volume Group if need be.
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Tags: AIX, characteristics, descriptors, group, lps, pps, quorum, stale, vgda, volume
Posted in AIX, Information Management | No Comments »
Monday, February 9th, 2015
most of us has confused between the network devices en, et & ent, you can read the following to put a limit for this confusion 🙂 :
The notation ent is used to specify the hardware adapter. It has nothing to do with the TCP/IP address.
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Tags: AIX, en, ent, et, inet, ip, TCP
Posted in AIX | No Comments »
Saturday, September 20th, 2014
LVM :- Logical Volume Manager and it’s a disk Management for Linux/UNIX Systems.
Tags: AIX, linux, logical, LVM, Manager, unix, volume
Posted in abbreviations and definitions, AIX, Linux, Solaris | No Comments »
Monday, March 3rd, 2014
how to comapre between 2 files to list the differences between them ???
there is a greate 2 commands which you can use them.
first command is
diff FILE1 FILE2
and this command just display the difference between the 2 files.
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Tags: AIX, comapre, diff, difference, sdiff
Posted in AIX | No Comments »
Sunday, February 23rd, 2014
AIX has a wonderful method to synchronize the users and their passwords or any files you need to sync them between HACMP Nodes.
there is a command call “rdist”, this command used to transfer files between hosts and make them synced.
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Tags: AIX, file, hacmp, password, sync, transfer, users
Posted in AIX, HACMP | No Comments »
Saturday, December 21st, 2013
run the following command to know your current run level:
# who -r
run-level 2 2013-12-20 00:39
Tags: AIX, level, linux.unix, os, run, solaris
Posted in AIX, Linux, Operating Systems, Solaris | No Comments »
Monday, October 21st, 2013
when you login to the system you get a welcome message which contain information about “Last unsuccessful login” , “Last login” and System Information.
if you need to disable this message, just run the following command :
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Tags: AIX, hushlogin, last, linux, login, solaris, unsuccessful, welcome
Posted in AIX, Linux, Solaris | No Comments »
Wednesday, October 9th, 2013
Hello Everybody,
suppose that i have 2 systems Linux1 & Linux2 and on each server i have user test1 on Linux1 and test2 on Linux2.
now, i want to make user test1 on Linux1 access server Linux2 on user test2 without password.
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Tags: AIX, key, linux, login, password, private, public, solaris, ssh, unix, without
Posted in AIX, Linux, Solaris | No Comments »