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Archive for the ‘AIX’ Category


Saturday, September 20th, 2014

LVM :- Logical Volume Manager and it’s a disk Management for Linux/UNIX Systems.

how to Compare between 2 files

Monday, March 3rd, 2014

how to comapre between 2 files to list the differences between them ???

there is a greate 2 commands which you can use them.

first command is

diff  FILE1  FILE2

and this command just display the difference between the 2 files.

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How to sync users and password between hosts on hacmp

Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

AIX has a wonderful method to synchronize the users and their passwords or any files you need to sync them between HACMP Nodes.

there is a command call “rdist”, this command used to transfer files between hosts and make them synced.

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uncompress files using jar command

Sunday, February 23rd, 2014

you can uncompressed zipping files using java, specially “jar” command:


to do that , try the following :


/usr/java6/bin/jar -xvf /tmp/

run levels description

Saturday, December 21st, 2013

The Following points shows the meaning of each run level :


0 – halt
1 – single user
2 – multiuser (default)
3 – same as 2
4 – same as 2
5 – same as 2
6 – reboot Continue Reading…

how to know current run level

Saturday, December 21st, 2013

run the following command to know your current run level:

# who -r
         run-level 2  2013-12-20 00:39

how to log ftp commands

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

if you need to see FTP users log, and what they do on your system, just do the following commands ( this article doesn’t useful for past commands, it will be useful to get commands in the future after you do these steps):

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how to know the Major Number for Specific Volume Group

Monday, October 21st, 2013

to list the Major number for Specific Volume Group, use the following Command :
“lvgenmajor VOLUME_GROUP_NAME”

for example :

# lvgenmajor rootvg

and the following link show how to display the available Major Numbers:

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how to list file system inside specific volume group

Monday, October 21st, 2013

You can use command ‘lsvgfs’ to list all file systems inside specific volume group like the following example:

# lsvgfs rootvg