Tag Archives: file

Useful Commands for Redhat LVM and increasing Filesystem

– Scan New Hardware: scsi-rescan rescan-scsi-bus.sh –forcerescan – For Physical Volumes: pvdisplay pvscan pvcreate /dev/sdb – For Volume Groups: vgdisplay vgscan vgextend VGNAME PVNAME lvextend -L+50G LVNAME resize2fs LVNAME

How to sync users and password between hosts on hacmp

AIX has a wonderful method to synchronize the users and their passwords or any files you need to sync them between HACMP Nodes. there is a command call “rdist”, this command used to transfer files between hosts and make them … Continue reading

how to list file system inside specific volume group

You can use command ‘lsvgfs’ to list all file systems inside specific volume group like the following example: # lsvgfs rootvg / /usr /var /tmp /home /opt /admin /var/adm/ras/livedump /oracle_osb /u01/app/oracle /u02/oradata /iso_image /TestFs